Renewing Your Visa
Disclaimer: please always check with the Immigration Bureau of Japan for the latest information. This article is for reference only. If you have specific questions, please contact your contracting organisation, ASLs, or the PA.
As JET participants, we were all issued with a work visa with a 3-year Period of Stay. As you approach the end of these 3 years, you will have to renew your visa before it expires. Therefore you must apply for an extension known as the ‘Extension of Period of Stay’ (在留期間更新 zairyū kikan kōshin.) You can apply for an extension 3 months before your visa expires. Please note that if you fail to extend your visa and overstay even by one day, you may lose your status of employment.
To extend your visa, you must visit the Regional Immigration Bureau branch office in Koriyama at least twice. Unfortunately, these offices are only open on weekdays during office hours, so you may have to take paid leave. See here for more information on the Koriyama Branch Office.
Your Contracting Organisation (CO) may grant you Special Leave (特休 tokkyū) for these trips, so it’s worth discussing this process with them. It is also recommended to speak to your CO about Item 13 ‘Desired Length of Extension’ on the application form.
Please visit the Immigration Bureau of Japan website for the most updated information for the Application for Extension of Period of Stay.
First Trip to the Immigration Office
You will need:
Application for Extension of Period of Stay (在留期間更新許可申請書 zairyū kikan kōshin kyoka shinseisho)
Residence Card
A photo (4cm by 3cm) Note: this photo can be taken at any photo booth
The four items above should be enough but please ask your contracting organization and bring at least one of these documents with you.
Tax Payment Certification (納税証明書 nōzei shōmeisho)
Tax Declaration Certificate (課税証明書 kazei shōmeisho)
Certificate of Appointment (辞令 jirei) (summer arrivals receive this twice a year, in summer and in April)
Bring all supporting documents to the immigration office. If there are no problems, they will ask you to write your name and address. They will send you a postcard in the mail with procedures to complete your visa extension.
There is a time period in which your application may expire so make your second trip to the immigration office as soon as possible. If you can’t make it within the time period, contact the immigration office immediately. Please note that all documents submitted will not be returned with the exception of your passport and residence card.
Second Trip to the Immigration Office
You will need:
Postcard the immigration office sent you
Residence Card
4,000 yen Revenue Stamp (収入印紙 shūnyū inshi). This is purchased at the immigration office often on another floor. Please ask the immigration office for details.
Submit the postcard along with your passport and residence card. They will give you a paper slip. At this time go and purchase a stamp, put it on the slip, and return to the immigration office.
Now you have your new residence card with an extended period of stay!